Getting Started



You can install the program with the following command:

$ pip install yt2mp3


The program only requires that you have Python 3.4+ and ffmpeg or libav installed. More installation information is available on the additional setup page.


Once installed, the program can be executed via the command-line as follows:

$ yt2mp3 [-options]

When the program is finished, you can find the resulting MP3 file in your Downloads directory, with the following file-structure Music/{artist}/{track}.mp3.


-t, --track Specify the track name query
-a, --artist Specify the artist name query
-c, --collection Specify the album name query
-u, --url Specify a Youtube URL or ID
-u, --url Specify a Youtube URL or ID
-p, --playlist Specify a Youtube playlist URL or ID
-o, --overwrite Overwrite the file if one exists in output directory
-r, --resolution Specify the resolution for the cover-art
-q, --quiet Suppress program command-line output
-v, --verbose Display a command-line progress bar
--version Show the version number and exit
-h, --help Display information on usage and functionality


If you’d like to contribute to the project, you can download and install the program with the following commands:

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Navigate to the directory
$ cd yt2mp3

# Install program dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt